
Публикации о полипреноле

1.S.Kuznetsov, V.Roshchin. Vorklinisher Beurteilung der Androprotektorischen Eigenschaften des praparates RSL-1 88-1 'BF".
IX Osterreichischer Geriatrie-Kongress. Bad-Hofgastein, Osterreich. P.26. (1990)

2.С.Кузнецов, В.Рощин, П.Илиева. Комплексная оценка андропротекторных свойств препарата РСЛ-1 88-1 БФ при экспериментальной недостаточности семенников.
Гериатрические средства: экспериментальный поиск и клиническое использование. Киев. с.97-98. (1990)

3.С.Кузнецов. Фармакологическая активация биосинтеза гликопротеинов в динамике раневого процесса в эксперименте.
Местное лечение ран. Москва. С.221. (1991)

4.С.Кузнецов. К механизму доступности полипренолов при интраназальном введении в эксперименте.
Актуальные проблемы клинической лимфологии. Андижан. С.52-53. (1991)

5.С.Кузнецов. Клинико-гигиеническая оценка уровней содержания долихола в моче.
Медицинские аспекты охраны окружающей среды. Новокузнецк. С.64 (1991)

6.S.Kuznetsovs. N-glycoprotein biosynthesis in fish embryogenesis: adaptation strategy during critical periods.
Research for Aquaculture: Fundamental and Applied Aspects. Antibe. France. Nr.C3.4. p-139. (1991)

7.S.Kuznetsovs The role of Dolichol in Fertilization.
European development biology Congress EDBC-91, Jerusalem, Israel. P.021. (1991)

8.S.Kuznetsovs. Molecular mechanisms of neuronal plasticity: N-glycoprotein biosynthesis through dolichol intermediates in postischemic cerebral neurons.
15th International Congress of Biochemistry, Jerusalem. Israel. P314. (1991)

9.S.Kuznecovs, M.Daugavietis. Dolichyl phosphate cycle and its pharmacological regulation in optic atrophy.
2nd International Symposium on Complex Treatment of Optic nerve atrophies. Moscow. P.182. (1991)

10.S.Kuznecovs, M.Daugavietis. Biochemical and immunologic aspects of plant polyprenol effect on the myelin metabolism and the course of the experimental multiple sclerosis. Dolichol and other lipids related to glycoconjugate metabolism.
Satellite meeting to the 11th International Symposium on Glycoconjugates. Kimberley, Ontario, Canada, p.31 (1991)

11.С.Кузнецов, М.Даугавиетис,В.Рощин. Механизм антисеротонинэргической активности полипренолов.
Нейрофармакология на рубеже двух тысячелетий. С-Петербург. Российская Федерация с.112. (1992)

12. S.Kuznetsovs. The Ca2+ -ATPase of plasma membrane in Human Spermatozoa: Analysis of Conformation during Fertilization. Ion Pumps, Structure and Mechanism.
A Satellite Symposium to the 15th International Congress of Biochemistry, Gothenborg, Svveden. P-84. (1991)

13. S.Kuznetsovs. Dolichol Content in Salmon testis as a criterion for sperm quality.
Broodstock Management and Egg & Larval Quality. A Science in Aquaculture International Conference. Scotland. (1992)

14. S.Kuznetsovs, M.Daugavietis. Dolichol and some new pathogenic aspects of multiple sclerosis.
Neurochemistry International, Vol 21, Suppl C19, p.73 (1992)

15. S.Kuznetsovs, M.Daugavietis. Effect of Plant Polyprenols on P-388 Leukemia Celi sensitivity and Chemotherapy resistance in Vitro.
18th International Congress of Chemotherapy. Stockholm, Svveden, A-288. p.170. (1993)

16. S.Kuznetsovs. Teratogens and Dolichyl Phosphate Cycle: Some molecular mechanisms and Risk Assessment.
Pharmacology & Toxicology, Vol. 73, Suppl II, 129, P13/02.(1993)

17. S.Kuznetsovs. Effects of Teratogens on Urinary Dolichol Levels.
Teratology 48:1A-36A. 28A, P15. (1993)

18. S.Kuznetsovs, M. Daugavietis. Some ultrastructural mechanisms of protein processing during reparation in cerebral neurons.
Journal of Neurochemistry. Vol.61, Suppl. S36A. (1993)

19. S.Kuznetsovs. Dolichyl Phosphate Cycle in Human Glial Tumors.
Journal of Neurochemistry. Vol.61, Suppl. S232B. (1993)

20. S.Kuznetsovs, M.Daugavietis. The Contributing Mechanisms of Dolichyl Phosphate Cycle in Compensatory Process in Brain After Stroke.
6th International Symposium "New Frontiers in the Biochemistry and Biophysics on Diagnosis and Treatment of Stroke, Neurotrauma and other Neurological Diseases. Martin, Slovakia. P.36. (1993)

21. S.Kuznecovs, J.Seleznovs, M.Daugavietis Urinary Dolichol in Breast Cancer Control.
The European Journal of Cancer, Vol 30A, Supplement 2, S49 p.20 (1994)

22. S.Kuznecovs, M.Daugavietis. Dolichol as a Tumour Marker in Ovarian Cancer Control.
The European Journal of Cancer, Vol 30A Suppl 1, S42 p. 213 (1994)

23. S.Kuznecovs, J.Seleznevs, M.Daugavietis . Clinical Value of Dolichol Measurement in Pancreatic Cancer Control.
In: 3rd United European Gastroenterology Week. Oslo, Norway . p.27 (1994)

24.S.Kuznecovs. Clinical value of dolichol measurement in trichinelliasis.
6th International Congress for Infectious Diseases, Prague, A-1015, p. 320 (1994)

25.S.Kuznecovs, J.Rubens, N.Gromova, L.Poluektova. Dolichol dependent immune reactions.
Allergy & Clinical Immunology News, Suppl. 2, P318, p.1138 (1994)

26.S.Kuznetsovs, M.Daugavietis. Dolichol inside immunocompetent cells in cancer patients.
Allergy & Clinical Immunology News, Suppl. 2, P206, p.730 (1994)27.S.Kuznetsovs, M.Daugavietis. Wilson's Disease and Dolichyl Phosphate Cycle. 1st International Symposium on Metals and Genetics, Canada, P.33.(1994)

28.S.Kuznetsovs, J.Seleznevs, V.Mikhailovs. Clinical Usefulness of Dolichol as a Prognostic Factor in Cancer Patients.
19th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Montreal, Canada. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases. Vol 6, Suppl. C. 298C Nr.1023, (1995)

29.SJ.Kuznetsovs, MO. Daugavietis. Dolichol in HIV patients.
International Symposium on Clinical Immunology, San Francisco, USA. 105. (1995)

30.S.Kuznetsovs, M.Daugavietis. The Role of Dolichol in the Diagnosis of Neurological Stage of Wilson's Disease.
Journal of Neurochemistry. Vol.65, Suppl. S191B. (1995).

31.S.Kuznetsovs. Experimental Studies of Dolichyl Phosphate Cycle in Brain After Stroke.
XVIIth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. BRAIN 95. Cologne, Germany, N.S332.(1995)

32.S.Kuznetsovs, M.Daugavietis. The Role of Dolichyl Phosphate in effect of GM-CSF on Histamine release from human basophils.
ALLERGY, Suppl.1. P.-0163 (1995)

33.S.Kuznetsovs Role of Dolichyl Phosphate in Nongenotoxic Chemical Carcinogenesis. The International Toxicologist.
"Horizions in Toxicology: Preparing for the 21st Century. 84-P-3. (1995)

34.S.Kuznetsovs, M.Daugavietis. Dolichyl Phosphate deficiency as a possible mechanism of multidrug resistance.
British Journal of Haematology, Vol. 93. Suppl.2. 1325, p.350. (1996)

35.SJ.Kuznetsovs, MO.Daugavietis, GV.Kuznetsova. Urinal dolichols in multiple sclerosis patients with movement disorders.
Movement Disorders, Vol.11, Suppl.1. p.141. (1996)

36.S.Kuznetsovs. Dolichyl Phosphate Cycle (DPC) in asthma patients clinically resistant to glycocorticoids.
Allergy & Clinical Immunology International. Suppl. No. 4. 557, p.152. (1997)

24.S.Kuznecovs. Clinical value of dolichol measurement in trichinelliasis.
6th International Congress for Infectious Diseases, Prague, A-1015, p. 320 (1994)

25.S.Kuznecovs, J.Rubens, N.Gromova, L.Poluektova. Dolichol dependent immune reactions.
Allergy & Clinical Immunology News, Suppl. 2, P318, p.1138 (1994)

26.S.Kuznetsovs, M.Daugavietis. Dolichol inside immunocompetent cells in cancer patients.
Allergy & Clinical Immunology News, Suppl. 2, P206, p.730 (1994)

27.S.Kuznetsovs, M.Daugavietis. Wilson's Disease and Dolichyl Phosphate Cycle.
1st International Symposium on Metals and Genetics, Canada, P.33.(1994)

28.S.Kuznetsovs, J.Seleznevs, V.Mikhailovs. Clinical Usefulness of Dolichol as a Prognostic Factor in Cancer Patients.
19th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Montreal, Canada. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases. Vol 6, Suppl. C. 298C Nr.1023, (1995)

29.SJ.Kuznetsovs, MO. Daugavietis. Dolichol in HIV patients.
International Symposium on Clinical Immunology, San Francisco, USA. 105. (1995)

30.S.Kuznetsovs, M.Daugavietis. The Role of Dolichol in the Diagnosis of Neurological Stage of Wilson's Disease.
Journal of Neurochemistry. Vol.65, Suppl. S191B. (1995).

31.S.Kuznetsovs. Experimental Studies of Dolichyl Phosphate Cycle in Brain After Stroke.
XVIIth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. BRAIN 95. Cologne, Germany, N.S332.(1995)

32.S.Kuznetsovs, M.Daugavietis. The Role of Dolichyl Phosphate in effect of GM-CSF on Histamine release from human basophils.
ALLERGY, Suppl.1. P.-0163 (1995)

33.S.Kuznetsovs Role of Dolichyl Phosphate in Nongenotoxic Chemical Carcinogenesis.
The International Toxicologist. "Horizions in Toxicology: Preparing for the 21st Century. 84-P-3. (1995)

34.S.Kuznetsovs, M.Daugavietis. Dolichyl Phosphate deficiency as a possible mechanism of multidrug resistance.
British Journal of Haematology, Vol. 93. Suppl.2. 1325, p.350. (1996)

35.SJ.Kuznetsovs, MO.Daugavietis, GV.Kuznetsova. Urinal dolichols in multiple sclerosis patients with movement disorders.
Movement Disorders, Vol.11, Suppl.1. p.141. (1996)

36.S.Kuznetsovs. Dolichyl Phosphate Cycle (DPC) in asthma patients clinically resistant to glycocorticoids.
Allergy & Clinical Immunology International. Suppl. No. 4. 557, p.152. (1997)

37.S.J.Kuznetsovs, G.V.Kuznetsova. Dolichol as a risk group marker for occupational breast cancer.
Gene-Environment Interactions in Occupational and Environmental Health. Satellite Symposium for the 7th ICEM 97. Espoo, Finland. P.55. (1997)

38.S.J.Kuznetsov. Neurochemistry of brain rehabilitation after stroke: Dolichyl Phosphate Cycle.
J.Neurochem., Vo.69. Suppl., S49C. (1997)

39.S.J.Kuznetsov, M.Daugavietis, G.Kuznetsova. Dolichol in multiple sclerosis: experimental and clinical data.
J.Neurochem., Vo.69. Suppl., S91D. (1997)

40.S.Kuznecovs, G.Kuznecova. Dolichyl Phosphate Cycle activity as a bone marrow protection warranty?
Leukemia Research 25, Suppl. No. 1, S51, P87.(2001)

41.S.Kuznecovs, G.Kuznecova. Polyprenol and Drug resistance: In leukemia cells Leukemia Research 25,
Suppl. No. 1, S64-65, P129.(2001)

42.S.Kuznecovs, I.Joksta, G.Kuznecova. Dolichol as a marker of susceptibility for occupational asthma.
Allergy, Suppl. 68, Vol. 56, p.236 (2001)

43.S.Kuznecovs, G.Kuznecova. Dolichol as a predictor in colorectal cancer prevention.
International Journal of Cancer. P85, p.169, (2002)

44.S.Kuznecovs, G.Kuznecova. Drug resistance in leukemia cells: dolichyl phosphate deficiency?
International Journal of Cancer. P829, p.829 (2002)

45.G.Kuznecova, I.Joksta, S.Kuznecovs. Role of dolichyl phosphate cycle in some mechanisms of allergy.
Allergy, Suppl. 73, Vol. 57, p.132 (2002)

46.S.Kuznecovs, I.Joksta, G.Kuznecova. Steroid resistant asthma and dolichyl phosphate cycle defect in T-cells.
Allergy, Suppl. 73, Vol. 57, p.325 (2002)

47.S.Kuznecovs, G.Kuznecova, Dolichol as a tumour marker in early breast cancer.
8th International Conference. The Breast Volume12,Suppl.1, P18, S21.(2003).

48.S. Kuznecovs G. Kuznecova, Dolichyl phosphate cycle and repair of myelin in multiple sclerosis.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 90 (Suppl. 1), p.51. (2004).

49.S.Kuznecovs, G.Kuznecova. Cachexia in cancer: a role of dolichyl phosphate,
Supportive Care in Cancer. Vol. 13. Nr. 6, p.433, (2005)

50.S.Kuznecovs, I.Kuznecovs, G.Kuznecova. Dolichyl Phosphate deficiency as a possible mechanism of alcohol dependence.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 94, Suppl.2). P157 p.94 (2005)

51.S.Kuznecovs, I.Kuznecovs, G.Kuznecova. Polyprenol in targeted regulation of P-glycoprotein dependent drug resistance.
Annals of Oncology. 3rd International Symposium in Targeted Anticancer Therapies. 16 Supplement 3:iii36, (2005)

53.S.Kuznecovs, K.Jegina, G.Kuznecova. Hepatocellular carcinoma: effect of polyprenols on P-glycoprotein accumulation in multidrug resistance.
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Suppl. 2, Nr 21 A211 (2006)

54.G.Kuznecova, K.Jegina, S.Kuznecovs. I.Kuznecovs. Urinary dolichol in liver pathology.
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Suppl. 2, Nr 21 A190 (2006)

55.Ivans Kuznecovs, Sergejs Kuznecovs, Galina Kuznecova and Klara Jegina.

Urinary Dolichol as a Predictor of Individual Susceptibility to tobacco Smoking Associated Lung Cancer.
UICC World Cancer Congress. Abstract book page 105. (2006)

56.Sergejs Kuznecovs, Galina Kuznecova. Anticytokine Therapy in Cancer Cachexia Management.
UICC World Cancer Congress. Abstract book page 85. (2006)

57.G.Kuznecova, S.Kuznecovs, I. Joksta, I. Kuznecovs. Polyprenol could increase the therapeutic response to glucocorticoids in steroid resistant asthma,
Allergy Vol.62, Suppl 83, p.220 (2007).

58.I.Kuznecovs, S.Kuznecovs, I. Joksta, K. Jegina, G. Kuznecova
Steroid resistant asthma: possibilities of dolichyl phosphate for diagnosis and management.
Allergy, Vol.62, Suppl 83, p.215 (2007).

59.S.Kuznecovs, K.Jegina, I.Kuznecovs. Inhibition of P-glycoprotein by polyprenol in human breast cancer cells.
The Breast. Vol.16, Suppl.1. S15 (2007)

60.S.Kuznecovs, I.Kuznecovs. Modulating effect of Polyprenol on cardiotoxicity and effectivness of Doxorubicin in multidrug-resistant MCF-7 breast cancer cells.
Supportive Care in Cancer. Vol. 15. Nr. 6, p.752, (2007)

61. С. Кузнецов. О нарушении долихолфосфатного цикла в патогенезе поствакционального аллергического энцефаломиелита.
Поствакцинальные осложнения: патогенез, профилактика, лечение. стр. 57. Ленинград, 19-21 ноябрь. 1991г.